Client Outings

In 2016, Day Solutions Foundations began covering the cost for all Day Solutions clients to be able to actively engage with the community around them. Each day, clients and staff members venture out into the community to enjoy a variety of social activities which may include: dining out, going to the park, working out at the gym, catching a movie, golf or bowling. 

Guest Speakers

Each month, we bring a variety of guest speakers and visitors to the facility to share with us about different businesses, job roles and to spend time positively interacting with our clients. Some of our regular visitors include the Missouri River Regional Library, Jefferson City Police Department and Immaculate Conception Middle School Students. We have also had speakers from Magical Smiles, Lincoln University Nursing Department, Runge Nature Center, Pet Smart and more.


Family Events

Day Solutions always upholds our open door policy, however, from time to time, we will host events that clients may invite their loved ones, and caretakers to join them. In the last year, some of the events have included a chili cook off and our annual Thanksgiving meal. We find that family involvement and support is essential for client growth and overall achievement.

Community Experiences

Since it's not always possible for our clients to all attend events together, we make sure that we bring community experiences to Day Solutions. We have had dance parties, magic shows, barbecues and had visits from the EMT's, Fire Department and even our local SWAT team. Last year, we even got a chance to let everyone sit on and rev up a Harley, and climb inside of one of the Tydo Race Cars. We are always looking for new and exciting ways to engage with our community and provide memorable experiences. 



Come join in on all the fun.

Day Solutions is always looking for new and exciting visitors! Currently, we are very interested in finding a musician, yoga instructor, therapy dog, bakers, animal experts and we are open to any other ideas as well. 

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