Our Services
Day Habilitation
Day Habilitation is completed in a group setting both on and off campus. Day Habilitation is the primary service provided at Day Solutions and focuses on assisting clients in acquiring, improving, and retaining self-help, socialization, ADLs, and scholastic and adaptive skills necessary to participate successfully in the community around them. This service is provided with a one-staff-to-six-client ratio, per Missouri Department of Mental Health regulations. However, Day Solutions typically provides one-staff-to-four-client ratio, as we’ve found the smaller staff-to-client ratios yield more successful results.
Day Habilitation - Medical Exception
Day Solutions is certified to provide enhanced services as prescribed to meet the needs of medically complex individuals. Day Solutions employs an RN and LPNs to provide medical oversight as needed. This allows our qualified employees to provide a higher level of care to clients with medical needs. Day Solutions offers clients with medically complex needs the opportunity to access community-based services and integration to the fullest extent of their capabilities.
Day Habilitation - Behavior Exception
Day Solutions is certified to provide enhanced services as outlined to meet the needs of behaviorally complex individuals. When a client has or develops complex behaviors, Day Solutions works closely with the individual’s ISP and medical team to develop a behavior plan that allows Day Solutions to adequately care for the individual while keeping peers and staff safe.
Community Networking
Through Community Networking, Day Solutions coordinates and supports clients in becoming valued and active participants in their community. Community Networking service is provided in the community and activities are chosen based on clients’ interests, preferences, and strengths. This service is designed to increase an individual’s connection to and engagement in their community.
Day Solutions is credentialed to provide Employment services through the Missouri Department of Mental Health. We employ Certified Employment Specialists who teach pre-employment skills, assist individuals in obtaining employment, and provide supported employment services after employment is secured through onsite supervision and assistance.